Monday, December 20, 2010

Playing Catch Up

Eustice got to meet my friend Alice who was visiting L.A. from Moscow... the one in Idaho.
 Eustice was kinda annoyed that I blogged without him. Especially since I have a backlog of photos that needed to be uploaded.

I haven't told all his stories of late, and he really is fond of me telling his stories to you. So here is a massive image heavy update for you...
With Adelle at Trade Joe's. Eustice says she's got beautiful hair.

Eustice went with me to get my hair cut. This is Chris, my stylist. He Rawks.

 Dr. William Ridgeway gives Eustice a check up. He's been our family vet for over 20 years. He puts up with Eustice calling him Uncle Bill.

Having a good time at Bubba Gump's.

More good times at Bubba Gump's.

I had to explain to Eustice that "Ambur" is not the traditional spelling. He said it worked for him.

Eustice heard this fine young man singing and wanted his picture taken with him.

At Harbor Hyundai getting an oil change.

This is LaLa. Her Mom knits with us on Wednesday nights.

Soshana got Engaged!

Tina, The Eyebrow Queen, gives Eustice a kiss.

So this kinda sorta catches us up. I recently attended the Orthodox Jewish funeral for my Step-Mom's Dad who was 101 years young. I had to leave Eustice at home that day. The impulse to take pictures of Eustice would just have been too strong. If my Step-Mom saw me taking pictures of Eustice my funeral would have been next.

However on the walk to the graveside Rob told me that he had to suppress a chuckle as they placed the casket in the back of the hearse. He could just see Eustice sitting, in a very serious and dignified fashion (of course), atop the casket. When I told our friend Monicaroni about this she made me promise that if she died before me that I would take pictures of Eustice at her funeral.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

It's not always about Eustice...

This is an actual instant message conversation that I had today with my next-door neighbor. Names have been changed to protect the sane. 

TheNeighbor: Hey how do I stick my tongue out at you

TheNiceLady: you need to find the drop down window for the smilies.

TheNiceLady: =:)

TheNiceLady: I can show you later. We’re going to go get eggs. And stuff.

TheNeighbor: eggs what kind of eggs, like chicken.....or human

TheNiceLady: gross. We're getting sharks eggs :P

TheNeighbor:'s gotta ask

TheNiceLady: and also platypus eggs and maybe an ostrich egg. To make pie crust.
                       okay? Nosy pants.

TheNeighbor: okay that's scary

TheNiceLady: do you have some clean newspaper? I need packing material. The only box I have is too big.

TheNeighbor: disturbing question ...why?

TheNiceLady: because I'm mailing an xmas gift to a friend. I can't have the body rolling around too much. If the blood leaks out she'll never get the package.

TheNeighbor: oh yeah, I think I might even have packing material let me look

TheNiceLady: 8-}
TheNiceLady: =P~

TheNeighbor: okay that's gross

TheNiceLady: :-h

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Where Crayzee is Mainstream

This may have been the highlight of Eustice's year.

You may not have known, but Eustice is a gamer. Well, by proxy anyway. He sits on my desk while I, and sometimes Rob, play World Of Warcraft. He was quite excited to be able to go along with us to the official Launch Party at Fry's in Fountain Valley.

You know one of Eustice's favorite hobbies is meeting new people, and there were so many interesting people to meet that he was having me run around in all sorts of directions. Rob kept getting lost. We weren't lost, we knew where we were!

First thing when we got there Eustice wanted to stop to speak to the woman sitting at the Press Table.I have no idea what they talked about. No longer being a member of the "press" myself, I was not privy to the conversation. He did say that she was clearly a well informed woman. I think Eustice enjoys keeping me in the dark about some things a little too much. 

If it wasn't for the fact that no one would notice Eustice walking up to them on his own, sometimes I think he would just skip off without me.

 Then he stopped and visited for a while with this nice gentleman. You can see Eustice sitting there on his knee. He really did have one of the best "seats" available. He said it was one of the rare times that being handicapped came in handy for him.

 We stopped for a while and checked out the new NVIDIA 3-D Graphics card. To see the screen in 3-D you have to wear special powered sunglasses. I had to take the sunglasses away from Eustice before I could get a picture, because he had started mindlessly chewing on the attached USB cable while watching the demo.  The 3-D really was sharp and impressive. While I understood how distracting it might have been... I was just really glad that no one noticed his little teeth marks. He also visited with the NVIDIA rep and a clever woman making murloc balloon hats.

Eustice is really fascinated by all things murloc. He says it has nothing to do with the fact that they might eat him... but I'm not so sure.

The next order of business was snacks! Lee's Philly Gogi was there and Rob and I had to have us some Gogi tacos. They were yummeh. Eustice took a sniff...he ate a little of the seasonings on top and then gave me dirty looks. I pointed out to Eustice that it was not like the cow was anyone we knew.

Really, sometimes his sensitivity is sweet and other times; well, it's just kinda hard to enjoy a delicious gogi beef taco when there is a sheep you love nearby giving you dirty looks.

I told him that if he didn't stop it he couldn't have anymore of the lemonade from Hot Dog on a Stick and I'd put him back in my purse.  I really think it was the idea of no more of the best lemonade in the world and not being inside my purse that adjusted his attitude.

Of all the people that Eustice met, I think this young woman was his favorite. I don't know why the Dwarven race is his favorite but it just seems to be. As you can see they clearly bonded. 

Here are some other pictures of the people Eustice met.

I think this is Mr. Lee of Lee's Philly Gogi. This was before we ordered.

One of the Cataclysm Developers.

PIRATES! ...and their pet murloc. Eustice is on the murloc's head.

Eustice also met some Warlock's Minions.
A blood elf and her friends. She said she'd heard of Eustice's "kind" before. We were all a little baffled by that. Eustice was rather disturbed by the strangely pale hands of her purple friends. He notices things like that.